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Sabiduría Ancestral - A book by Mateo Sánchez
Sabiduría Ancestral (Ancestral Wisdom) was born with the intention of compiling the stories, journeys and relationships of characters...
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Weaving a future in which friendship and work shines
As a symbol of gratitude for the work of recent years, we were part of a group of people, companies and organizations that sponsored the...
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Ancestral Preparations: Mambe
Mambe is a spiritual preparation obtained by roasting and pounding coca leaves in a pestle and then mixing them with the ash of the...
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The salt in the Yuquitania
Salt is a fundamental ingredient in the preparation of the Yuquitania. Formerly salt was obtained from different processes of plant...
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Poems of the Jungle
Poem by Anastasia Candre, poet of the Okaina-Uitoto People of La Chorrera. PICANTE COMO EL AJÍ Sabroso y picante Su aroma delicioso Así...
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Podcast: Chili peppers from Colombia
The chili pepper is a product little investigated by gastronomy and has not deserved a treatment that is up to the size of its importance...
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Ancestral Preparations: Ají Yuquitania
The Mejía family from the community of San Francisco shares with us their wisdom and ancestral knowledge of the preparation of the...
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A journey to the territory of the celestial anaconda
Carolina Daza Veloza Anthropologist ...And one day I surrendered to the immensity of mother nature, the jungle. I went into its...
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Plant of Power: Chili Pepper
Canal Trece and the production company Camino pay homage to nature and cultural traditions with Plants of Power, a documentary series...
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Portraits from the Amazon
In recent years we have had the opportunity to travel to the jungles of the Colombian Amazon, where we have met people from different...
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